Somerset Archives and Local Studies Charges for Services
Searchroom Copying
Archives A4 black and white photocopying
Archives A3 black and white photocopying
Archives A4 colour photocopying
Archives A3 colour photocopying
Books A4 or A3 black and white photocopying (self service)
Colour A4 or A3 printing from public computers
Microfiche/microfilm A4 and A3 black and white printing
Camera Licences (including printer/scanners)
Daily licence
Weekly licence
Monthly licence
Annual licence
Research Service
Private Research (per hour)
Commercial Research (per hour)
Certification of a copy
Minimum fee
Copies of Microfiche
£3 each
Order Charge
Postage and Packaging (UK) up to 50 fiche
Postage and Packaging (Overseas) up to 50 fiche
Certification of parish register entries
Baptism certificate
Archive Conservation
Private Archive Conservation (per hour)
Handling Demonstrations Session (Half Day)
Preservation Training Session (Half Day)
Preservation Training Sessoion (Whole Day)
Conservation Studio Hire
Price on Application
Visit to Assess Archive Collection Not For Deposit (per hour)
Outreach and Learning
Talks to Local County Groups On or Off site
Out of County Talks
Tours of Somerset Heritage Centre (maximum 15 people per group)
School/Group Learning Session (up to half day, maximum 15 people per group)
Group Learning Session (eg. paleography, full day, maximum 15 people per group)
Schools - Talks to Classes
Schools - Half day Palaeography Course (maximum 20 students)
Schools - Full day Palaeography Course (maximum 15 students)
Schools - In-service Training for Teachers
Schools - Tailor-made Archive Packs (Charged by the Time Taken to Prepare Them)
£34 per hour
Schools - Photocopies of Documents Where the Documents References are Supplied (5 Sheets)
50p per sheet
Reminiscence Session
Permission to Publish
Not for Profit Publication (per image)
Commerical Publication, including TV (1 image)
Commercial Publication, including TV (2 - 5 images, per image)
Commercial Publication, including TV (6 and over images, per image)
TV and Radio Attendance (per hour)
TV/Film Repeats and Additional Rights (eg. Anytime, worldwide, cable and satellite)
Extensive Filming
Price on Application
Administration Charge
Other Archives and Local Studies Charges
Attendance at Public Inquiries (per hour)